Pricing Guide
As a TotSwap consignor, you are in total control of your pricing!
As a general rule you will want to price items at about 1/4 to 1/3 of their original retail price.
A great question to ask yourself is, “What would I pay for this?”

Toy Pricing
Clothing Brands
Clothing Sets
Outdoor Toys
Finally, if you are unsure of the value of certain items and want to do some research, spend some time on the Internet and “shop” for those items. Take a look at other sites such as CraigsList or eBay (completed listings) to see what a similar item is being sold for. Or check Toys R Us or Target for retail pricing. I do NOT recommend looking at Amazon for pricing because often times pricing is based on supply and demand and can be VERY “off” at certain times of the year.