Team TotSwap
We Love Team TotSwap
Without our TEAM, we would be unable to coordinate such a successful, exciting event! Thank you for taking the time to consider helping us with our sale.
AWESOME Perks: As a “thank you,” team members are able to shop during the presale event on Wednesday or Thursday (please check the sale schedule for specific day/time) and gain valuable access to the sales floor before the general public. The more hours you can help, the earlier you can shop TotSwap’s amazing bargains!
Who can join Team TotSwap?
Those who consign a minimum of $50 may become TotSwapTeam Members. Team members are asked to work at least one shift, which is 4 hours and to assist in areas such as: set up of racks/shelving, check-in items, organization of sales floor, handle payments, check out customers, etc. Don’t forget that husbands can sign up to help, too!
3 Shifts (12 hours)
Earn 75% return on your sold items!
Shop before anyone else on pre-sale night!! See specifc sale page for dates/times!
Shop before the general public at 9 a.m. on Sunday’s 50% day.
2 Shifts (8 hours)
Earn 70% on your sold items!
Shop early on pre-sale night!! See specific sale page for dates/times!
Shop before the general public at 9 a.m. during Sunday’s 50% day.
1 Shift (4 hours)
Earn 65% on your sold items!
Shop early on pre-sale night!! See specific sale page for dates/times
Shop before the general public at 9 a.m. during Sunday’s 50% day.

Team Member Guidelines:
- Our needs during a sale change all the time, so try to be flexible and give help where we need it!
- You may choose to work 4, 8, or 12 hours. These shifts can all fall on the same day, or spread out across a few days.
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your shift begins in order to receive instructions. We have lots of shifts available, so tell your friends who are also consigning!
- Please do not bring anyone to Thursday’s presale who does not have his/her own presale pass.
- If you find it necessary to reschedule your shift, please do so 24-hours in advance by emailing Team Members who do not do so will not be allowed to register as a Team Member for the next season’s sale.
- Team Members are NOT permitted to bring children to their scheduled shift. Thank you for your understanding.

Team Member FAQ
Do I have to consign in order to become a TotSwap Team Member?
Great question! Complete the form below and we’ll answer this question.
Is it really worth it to sign up for 4 hours to receive a pre-sale pass?
Definitely! We receive thousand of items for consignment at the sale. As a Team member, you will be able to shop the sale early dependent upon how many hours you are signed up to help. Lines are minimal and you have up to 4 hours to shop from the largest choice of items! Many of our Team Members help out just for this benefit and it is well worth it!!
How do I know what my job will be as a Team Member?
We offer various jobs and responsibilities and your duties will depend on how many TotSwap Team Members we have that day and where your help would be needed most. If you are pregnant or need a less active duty, please let us know in advance.
Can I become a TotSwap Team Member if I am pregnant or nursing?
We have a variety of “lighter” responsibilities that can be arranged the day of your shift for those who are pregnant and breaks can be arranged for those who are nursing. However, please keep in mind that Team Members are NOT permitted to bring children to their scheduled shift.
What if I missed my shift at a previous TotSwap sale and would like to help at a future sale?
Those who miss a shift and do not notify us are not permitted to help again. However, if you have signed up for a shift and need to reschedule, please be sure to notify us 24 hours in advance by emailing Jill.
Ask a question about TotSwap team
Complete the form below and Jill will be in touch to answer your questions about the TotSwap team.
Ready to join? Sign Up Here
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