About TotSwap
Thank you for your interest in the TotSwap Consignment Sale! We run semi-annual children’s consignment sales throughout the state of Maryland. TotSwap is a great way to save for your family while shopping for quality new and used children’s items. This includes toys, games, clothes, books, equipment, and MORE! We offer events throughout the year at different locations so check our schedule to see where we will be next.
In addition to saving when purchasing your children’s items, TotSwap is a great way to recoup some of the expense of purchasing items for our kids! Thousands of families sell their new and used items at our events and earn up to 75% on the sale of these items…it’s a great way to clean out the clutter and get a check back for your efforts! Check out our consignor pages for more information. We look forward to seeing you at the next event!